ggseg 1.6.5 (2022-06-13)
- Bump version to 1.6.5
- rm freesurfer dep
- rm old remnants
- update readme img
- switch cerebellum labels for wm gm, fix #80
- fix aseg labels to original, fix #78
- add vis as categorical. fix #76
- change aseg data class , fix #56
- bump version, small cran fixes
- add sysreq
- fix axial to coronal in vignette
- change axial to coronal in aseg data
- re-add ggplot2 depends\n\n
ggseg 1.6
- Added options
and side
to geom
- improved
to accept character vector, and also support subcortical atlases
- Altered axial to coronal in aseg atlas
- fixed broken geom after changes to ggplot2 internals
- fixed spelling mistakes in docs
ggseg 1.6.3
- removed function to display ggseg palettes
- preparations for CRAN submission
- added examples to more functions
- updated links
ggseg 1.6.02
- bug fixes in atlas objects and method internals
- tests in vdiffr
- vctrs class for polygon ggseg data
ggseg 1.6.02
- No longer depends on ggplot2, but imports it.
- as is advised practice
- users must explicitly load ggplot2 to access further ggplot2 functions
ggseg 1.6.01
- fixed installation issues by making sure package depends on R>3.3 for polygon holes.
ggseg 1.6.00
New large update, many new features.
Of particular note is the introduction of the brain sf geom, which improved speed,
and adaptability of the plots.
will stay for a while, but is superseded by a simple features geom
introduced as a new function to plot the atlas data
- an sf geom provides a lot of new features to the package
- more control over display of the slices through
- improved capabilities for atlases with regions that have holes
- new atlas class
which contains simple features data
- new functions to allow compatibility between sf and polygon data
- utility functions to use on the atlas data for easy access to information
functions for ggseg_atlas and brain_atlas classes for a quick look at atlases
functions to easily extract the unique names of regions for an atlas
- improved
method for atlases classes ggseg_atlas and brain_atlas
ggseg 1.5.4
- dkt renamed to dk
- the dkt (Desikan-Killiany-Tourville) atlas is not yet available
- atlas columns
renamed to region
- to avoid confusion with the calculation of cortical/surface area
- dk atlas region name "medial orbito frontal" changed to "medial orbitofrontal"
ggseg 1.5.3
- Split ggseg, and ggseg3d into two different packages
ggseg 1.5.2
- Adapted to work with dplyr 0.8.1
ggseg 1.5.1
- Changed ggseg_atlas-class to have nested columns for easier viewing and wrangling
ggseg 1.5
Changed to function atlas_info()
Changed brain.pal to function brain_pal()
Changed to function atlas_info()
Reduced code necessary for brain_pals_info
Simplified display_brain_pal()
Moved paletted of ggsegExtra atlases to ggsegExtra package
Added a
file to track changes to the package.
ggseg 1.5
ggseg 1.5.5
- dk atlas regions renamed to better reflect correct naming
- pre central and post central are precentral and postcentral
- dk atlas now also includes the corpus callosum, as the original atlas contains